Thursday, 9 January 2014

Senior Kindergarten time table and curriculum

After the post on Junior KG time table and curriculum, I would like to focus on the Senior KG.

Both the Senior KG and Junior KG time table and curriculum are very similar, except that the Senior KG topics are more advanced. For example, in the subject environmental Science, the children in the Junior KG are taught only about pet animals. Whereas, in Senior KG, the children are taught all the various types of animals such as the pet animals, wild animals and so on. Another example is that when learning English, the children now begin with three to four letter words instead of just learning the difference in Capital and Small letter like in the Junior KG. They also begin the reading work independently. Advanced reading like a story is also taken up here with some help and coaching from the teachers. In number work, the children would have learnt the numbers from one to hundred in the Junior KG. It is now time for them to learn some conceptual knowledge by doing activities like- filling the blanks with the missing numbers, before and after numbers, addition and subtraction, big and small and number comparisons amongst many others. The rest of the subjects remain the same such as drawing and coloring and craft work. Children enjoy narrating stories and reciting poems that they have learnt. This is done as a competition to encourage the children to give in their best and build self confidence.

Senior KG is the last year before the child enters the world of formal schooling. The environment and the methods of learning are very different in the formal classes such as the Class one when compared to the Senior KG. In the Senior KG the learning is based more on activity and in the Class one, the learning becomes more structured and direct. This transition is not an easy task for the children. The teachers must acknowledge the change and the difficulties the children face. In fact, trying to bridge the differences between the two classes becomes a crucial aspect in the teaching. Teachers could consider not starting any structured teaching in the first month of the classes in Class one. This would allow the children to settle down in the new environment and to the new methods.

Since, there is so much importance given to the activities in the three years, I would like to take up the various activities that could be done with the children in each year, based on my book, in the coming posts.


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